It’s easy!
We use 12 simple symbols to teach the connection between sounds and the written text. Students see how to pronounce the letter or word at a glance, no more guessing or struggling!
It’s fun!
Our App, coming soon, will include engaging interactive games, exercises, and delightful practice books. Students can learn anytime, anywhere—from their mobile device or tablet.
It’s easy to learn!
Our App, coming soon, is self guided. The Avatar, a book worm, will guide students through the process of learning to read, spell, and correctly pronounce English.
It works!
New readers, struggling readers and ESL students of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels have learned how to read and properly pronounce English with the Nardagani Reading Program with life-changing results!
English is simple with Nardagani!
Before using Nardagani, a lot of people find English confusing. Why? Because there are more sounds in the English language than letters. The A makes 4 sounds, the C makes 3 sounds, the D makes 3 sounds…
The 12 Nardagani symbols show you how to make every sound in the English language; each sound of A, C, D and so on…
Students first learn to sound out words with symbols and move to reading without the symbols, like removing training wheels on a bicycle.
According to Forbes, people who can read will earn
$1 million more in their lifetime than non-readers!
Narda Pitkethly
Narda Pitkethly, the founder of Nardagani, lived in Japan in mid-1980s and learned to read Japanese using the Hiragana system. Several years later, after returning to the United States, Narda’s daughter was a challenged reader. In order to help her daughter, and other challenged readers, Narda modified the Japanese system for teaching reading, Hiragana, and developed the Nardagani Reading Program for English. Narda is committed to increasing literacy worldwide and to teaching people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds to read.
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