Fun Facts About Reading and Books

It’s true! English is a hard language to learn and complicated. However, reading is not only educational but fun!

Here are some fun facts and reading and books:

The First Book in the World: The Gutenberg Bible in 1445. This book was printed by the inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany.

The Three Most Read Books in the World: The Holy Bible, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter

Harry Potter was first published by Bloomsbury in 1997, the books have now been translated into over 80 different languages across the world, with more to come.

Bookworms actually exist! They are insects that live in and feed on books.

Bibliophilia is a word that means enjoyment from smelling old books.

While, bibliophilism is the love of books, and a bibliophile is an individual who loves and frequently reads books.

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But why is English so challenging?

English is a difficult language to learn to read, because 14 of the 26 letters in the English alphabet make multiple sounds. Reading programs typically combine letters, and have many complicated rules in order to learn to read. 

The Nardagani Reading Program is designed to eliminate the guesswork involved in reading. The program is comprised of 12 simple symbols, used below letters, that allow the reader to know which sound to make. Students learn a few symbols at a time. They memorize the symbols through exercises, games, and reading books coded with the symbols. Once students learn the first few symbols, they work on sounding out words, and increase their list of sight words. 

Within eight hours of Nardagani instruction, students have learned the 12 symbols and are reading our coded practice books with ease. 

Once students have gained confidence in sounding out words, the symbols will no longer be needed, and can be removed, like training wheels on a bicycle. 

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, take our Masterclass, and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.” 

Lynn Pattnosh