Meet Alia and Aadar, Another Nardagani Success Story

Aadar (age 8) struggled to read. This all changed when Alia, Aadar’s mom, enrolled in The Nardagani Reading Program with a certified Nardagani tutor. Alia sat down with Nardagani and shared their experiences learning to read with the program.

Nardagani: Why did you decide to try the Nardagani Reading program for your son?

Alia: I was a desperate mom and needed help to teach my 8 year old to learn how to read. Aadar has been in several programs and was currently struggling to the point where it is affecting his self esteem. He is the sweetest boy and works the hardest, but is still struggling with reading.

Nardagani: Can you share Aadar’s reading improvement before and after using Nardagani?

Alia: After only three Nardagani lessons, there were a few things that happened that were really exciting. Asda read the program’s first book and, for the first time ever, he wanted to keep reading. Not only that, he scored 18/20 on his reading and writing test. Ms. M. [a certified Nardagani tutor] asked me to underline the words and symbols he frequently used, and he can now read them!

As a mom, who has not seen results, and to get these small wins is a big deal for us. I just wanted to give you a special shout out and I cannot thank you enough. Keep up the great work!

Nardagani: Thank you! We are so thrilled to hear this. What would you say to other parents thinking about buying The Nardagani Reading program for their child?

Alia: Aadar wants to go to Nardagani school! 

Nardagani: That is the best compliment. Thank you!

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.”

Lynn Pattnosh