Nardagani and Buhl Pilot Program: Reading Results by Grade Level and Individual Student

Through analysis of the bar graph, Reading Results by Grade Level and Individual Student, take a closer look at the successful Nardagani and Buhl Pilot Program, which was conducted from September 2020 through December 2020, in Buhl, Idaho.


Reading Results by Grade Level and Individual Student are plotted on this graph. The bottom numbers are the student (seventy-six [76] students total) and the side numbers are the student’s grade levels (zero [0] to ten [10]). The blue lines represents each students’ pretest grade level in September 2020, while the orange lines are their posttest grade level in December 2020. This graph reflects all students that completed both the pretest and posttest (65 students), including those who scored a zero (0) on the pretest (11 students).

At the start of the school year one hundred and two (102) students were enrolled in the reading study. Overall, sixty-five (65) students completed both the pretest and posttest in reading. Of these students that completed both the pretest and posttest in reading, a 27.10% reading gain mean (or score gain average) was achieved. Moreover, the students’ overall mean and average grade equivalents rose 4.4 grade levels.

As for the group of eleven (11) students who pretested at zero (0) on the reading test, gains were even greater than the first group. This group of students were not able to complete two (2) full reading lines without error, and therefore scored a zero (0) on the pretest. However, a 46% reading gain mean (or score gain average) was achieved and there was an overall mean or average grade equivalent increase of 2.3 grade levels.

Overall, despite being impacted by COVID-19 health issues and school regulations in Fall 2020 (from September-December), The Nardagani Reading Program and Buhl Middle School Pilot Program achieved positive results. Student median reading gained 3.8 to 5.0 grade equivalent growth with an overall improvement of 1.2 grade levels. Student spelling growth was 22.35% median improvement for 6th grade spelling. When teaching The Nardagani Reading Program, Buhl Middle School’s median results are the growth numbers school districts can expect to duplicate. The Nardagani Reading Program looks forward to replicating these test scores with new school districts in the future. 

For additional information on the The Nardagani Reading Program and Buhl Middle School Pilot Program, please email Nardagani:

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, take our Masterclass, and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.” 

narda pitkethky