Five Reasons Teachers Love Nardagani

From ESL instructors to literacy specialists to middle school teachers and professionals who frequently work with challenged readers who have been diagnosed with a reading disability and qualify for IEP (Individual Education Program), these educators know how the Nardagani Reading Program works. In addition, teachers who used The Nardagani Reading Program, during teacher-based research studies that were implemented in the United States public school system, saw student reading improvement with strong supporting data.

Here are the top five reasons teachers love Nardagani:

1: Nardagani is a simple reading program to learn. Most teachers can learn the Nardagani Reading Program in a couple of hours.

2: Nardagani is different from other reading programs. Most reading programs focus on phonics. There are over seventy utility phonics, as well over 200 phonemic rules in English. Nardagani simplifies this phonics system to a very small number and reaches students who struggle with or don’t know how to decode.

3: Nardagani is fun to use! Students enjoy the Nardagani Reading program’s games and see their own reading success almost immediately.

4: Nardagani is not just about decoding, students can jump into reading actual stories right away.

5: Students who learn to read the Nardagani Way have little to no summer slump or summer slide! What is the summer slump or summer slide? A summer slide is the phenomenon where, after six weeks away from school, children have forgotten many key things they spent the last year learning. Teachers know, there is no more summer slump or summer slide for students who use Nardagani.

Whether your goal is to improve pronunciation for an elementary school child, work on phonics with your son or daughter, help a child or an adult struggling with reading speed or fluency, learn how to better read English or are even seeking an ESL class for adults, Nardagani can support you by teaching decoding (sounding out words) quickly and simply. No matter your English language learning goals, teachers and students alike love the Nardagani online reading program. The Nardagani Reading Program successfully helps all types of struggling readers and ESL students.

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.”

Lynn Pattnosh