Why Institutions Support and Use The Nardagani Reading Program

School districts, correctional facilities, and other institutions praise and use The Nardagani Reading Program for challenged readers of all ages and to help combat illiteracy. Nardagani teaches challenged readers how to read. From literacy specialists to middle school teachers to ESL instructors, professionals who frequently work with challenged readers who have been diagnosed with a reading disability and qualify for IEP (Individual Education Program), know The Nardagani Reading Program works. Moreover, teachers who used the Nardagani Reading Program, during teacher-based research studies that were implemented in the United States public school system, saw student reading improvement and the data gathered was dramatic. 

Here what institutions and teachers say about The Nardagani Reading Program:

“The Nardagani Reading Program helps the students mainly on learning to sound out words with symbols and move to reading without the symbols so this is the initial stage where readers like new readers, struggling readers and ESL students of all ages can develop their reading capability. After implying Nardagani as an intervention, we can see the significant difference in their reading competence.” -Fathima, Central Senior Secondary School, India

“Besides the median improvements, there are some things that are really interesting. The improvement amongst those who had almost no reading skills is spectacular. Some kids basically went from zero to almost third grade level, in just three months! And some of the top readers had terrific improvements as well. It’s exciting to see how effective Nardagani can be on a large group of students in school in such a short amount of time.” -Buhl Middle School, Idaho

“We have been teaching Nardagani in the jail facility in Hailey, Idaho. Personally, I have been teaching Spanish with this program and it’s very helpful. Nardagani is easier to teach people with the symbols that we use in this program, as you get the sounds exactly the way that it should be pronounced. I believe Nardagani is going to be huge because it is so simple to lean how to read. Once you read, you are learning.” -Jose, Blaine County Jail Teacher

“A 5-year-old, bilingual kindergarten student with no prior reading instructions was taught Nardagani on the eight-lesson plan. At the end of 10 weeks, this student showed marked improvement and tested at a second-grade reading level without the Nardagani symbols upon exiting kindergarten.” -Jon, English teacher, Nampa School District in Idaho

“The beauty of the Nardagani program. It makes reading so simple, it works for every age group, offline, online, sessions daily or even spread over multiple weeks.” -Learn2Teach, India

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.”

Lynn Pattnosh