Meet Andy and Kai, Another Nardagani Success Story

After trying a few “basic” reading apps for his son, Kai (age 4), Andy decided to purchase The Nardagani Reading Program. Andy and Kai (now 5) sat down with Nardagani and shared their experiences learning to read with the program.

Nardagani: Why did you decide to try the Nardagani Reading program for your son?

Andy: We started Kai with Nardagani. He had done some apps where he learned basic letter sounds and learned how to read really simple words, like dog or cat. But he only knew the one sound for each letter, and so he had trouble pronouncing or reading any word where the letters made different sounds then their normal sounds. We understood that Nardagani was all about teaching people how to read the language where so many letters make so many different sounds. So, we figured, we'd give it a shot.

Nardagani: Can you share Kai’s reading improvement before and after using Nardagani?

Andy: So before Kai started with Nardagani, he could only read very simple words that used the most common letter sounds. He was four years old at the time we started the program and within about four months he was reading second grade level, which is about a three year improvement in just a few months period of time.

Nardagani: What surprised you about Nardagani?

Andy: The biggest thing I was surprised about was the fact that he already knew the alphabet. I thought, well this is interesting. He has to learn all these other new symbols. However, working with him and the program was great because I was amazed at how easily, because of the way the program is taught—how quickly and easily he learned all the symbols and the phonetic sounds. Then how well that translated him into being able to read a lot more complex words.

Nardagani: What would you say to other parents thinking about buying The Nardagani Reading program for their child?

Andy: My recommendation would be just to go for it. I procrastinated a little bit in starting the program. I was a little curious about him having to learn these other symbols, that were not part of the English alphabet, and then, once he learned them, having to unlearn them—most books don’t come with the symbols. So, once we got into it, and I really saw how the program worked and how quickly he learned the new phonetic symbols—and then how quickly he was able to learn and figure out how to read words once he didn’t have the symbols anymore—the unlearning of the symbols process, was just incredibly smooth. 

I think it’s a testament to how the system is designed and how the system is taught. My advice is just jump into it. It’s up to you, as a parent to purchase the program and the reward is incredible.

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, and take our Masterclass.

Lynn Pattnosh