Women 4 Solutions Webinar with Narda Pitkethly, Founder of The Nardagani Reading Program

In June 2021, Narda Pitkethly, Founder of The Nardagani Reading Program, was invited to share the company’s story in a live online Women 4 Solutions’ webinar. Women 4 Solutions is a global network of women entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs igniting “Caring Economy” values and integrating them into organizations across all sectors, promoting positive impact and building a more inclusive and regenerative world. 

In addition, Women 4 Solutions focuses on delivering simple, effective and scalable solutions according to the four pillars of the Caring Economy to make visible and valuable: 1: The care for the environment. 2: The “work of care.” 3: The importance of high-quality early childhood education & “re-skilling.” 4: Transparency and metrics of people’s well-being and regeneration of the environment. As Nardagani’s core philosophy supports these pillars by reaching and teaching those who struggle with reading, Narda was thrilled to be invited and share her story with Women 4 Solutions.

Please enjoy the YouTube recording of Narda’s Women 4 Solutions’ webinar:

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, take our Masterclass, and watch Narda’s TEDx talk, “A New Way to Learn to Read English.”

Lynn Pattnosh