Meet Jenny and Alex, Another Nardagani Success Story

Even with the help of reading specialists,  Alex (age 8) struggled to read in school for many years. Until Jenny, Alex’s mom, decided to purchase The Nardagani Reading Program and her son learned to read in only two weeks. Jenny and Alex (now 9) sat down with Nardagani and shared their experiences learning to read with the program.

Nardagani: Why did you decide to try the Nardagani Reading program for your son?

Jenny: We decided to start the Nardagani program when Alex was going into the second grade. Alex was having trouble reading and it was frustrating for him. He was also having trouble remembering his sight words. 

Nardagani: Can you share Alex’s reading improvement before and after using Nardagani?

Jenny: His reading has improved so much. Alex’s teachers are proud of him and all the progress he has made in his reading.

One of his teachers had been working on improving Alex’s reading for years. Then, all of a sudden, he started The Nardagani Reading Program, and he was reading in two weeks. 

He rarely feels like there are any words doesn’t know now.Alex feels like he can read just as well as his third grade classmates and that is such a good feeling!

Nardagani: What surprised you about Nardagani?

Alex: That I learned how to read. It was really fun and exciting!

Nardagani: What would you say to other parents thinking about buying The Nardagani Reading program for their child?

Jenny: If there are any parents out there whose child is struggling to read, they should absolutely consider doing Nardagani. Alexander was reading within two weeks. His self-esteem went through the roof, because he couldn't read and other kids could. We didn’t want that to be the case. We tried reading with him, he had special help from the school and it just wasn’t sticking. 

As soon as we started The Nardagani Program, he learned how to read. I am so grateful. I don’t know where we would be today if we didn’t have the program.

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, and take our Masterclass.

Lynn Pattnosh