Nancy, a Nardagani Grandmother, Shares Why She Picked Nardagani

Grandparents who have had their child use the Nardagani Reading Program saw their student’s reading improve dramatically. Many students that learn with Nardagani at home are challenged readers who have been diagnosed with a reading disability and even qualify for IEP (Individual Education Program) in the public school system. Nancy, a Nardagani grandparent, shares her experience using the reading program at home.

“My grandson was going into the second grade and he couldn’t read. I was really scared. So, we found Nardagani, and by the first week he was reading. Then, by the end of the summer, he was reading at a third grade level,” shares Nancy.

Nancy hired a tutor for her grandson who was entering first grade and could not read, “having a kind and patient tutor who understood my grandson’s needs made learning Nardagani easy and fun. I simply can’t say enough about this program and the coded symbols. He is now reading at a third grade level and his first grade teachers simply can’t believe it! With the help of his tutor, I saw an improvement in his reading after three lessons. All school systems need to hook into this—it’s a fabulous program.”

The Nardagani Reading Program is designed to eliminate the guesswork involved in reading. The program is comprised of 12 simple symbols, used below letters, that allow the reader to know which sound to make. Students learn a few symbols at a time. They memorize the symbols through exercises, games, and reading books coded with the symbols. Once students learn the first few symbols, they work on sounding out words, and increase their list of sight words. Then, within six hours of Nardagani instruction, students have learned the 12 symbols and are reading our coded practice books with ease. 

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, and take our Masterclass.

Lynn Pattnosh