The Nardagani Reading Program Achieves Positive Results in India’s Latest Educational Study

The Nardagani Reading Program was recently the focus of a Speed Reading and Comprehension study, which was conducted at Fathima Central Senior Secondary School in Chennai, India. The study outcome achieved positive results and points to the use of Nardagani to help increase both student reading comprehension and speed.

The study looked at speed reading and comprehension variables, which was defined as “a normal rate of reading is 200 to 300 words per minute and for comprehension is 200 to 400 wpm (words per minute). Speed reading is normally done at a rate of around 400 to 700wpm. Anything above 500 to 600wpm means sacrificing comprehension, although this varies from person to person.” Then, screenings occurred with a random sampling of students and occurred on the site Students were both pre and post tested after being instructed with The Nardagani Reading Program intervention and this methodology accessed both reading and comprehension.

Findings Based on the Study Included:

  • The present study has been an extensive exploration of speed reading and comprehension.

  • It was conducted to find out the problem among children and also to give appropriate remedy of intervention.

  • Age has been a significant aspect of reading and comprehension ability.

  • Before Nardagani students were not able to know the sounds, so they struggled to read. There is not much significant difference.

  • After implying Nardagani as an intervention, we can see the significant difference in their reading competence.

The study then concluded that:  “The Nardagani Reading Program helps the students mainly on learning to sound out words with symbols and move to reading without the symbols so this is the initial stage where readers like new readers, struggling readers and ESL students of all ages can develop their reading capability. After implying Nardagani as an intervention, we can see the significant difference in their reading competence.”

This study of The Nardagani Reading Program achieved positive results and points to the use of  the program to help increase both student reading speed and comprehension. Fathima Central Senior Secondary School has also suggested that similar studies be conducted with The Nardagani Reading Program to find out the speed reading and comprehension level of students.

Click here to learn more about the Nardagani Reading Program, and take our Masterclass.

Lynn Pattnosh